Friday, February 26, 2010

Themetime Themes, Anomalous Instrumentals & Unsung Covers, Pt. 5

So... some of you (assuming that there is a "you") are probably wondering what happened to the "unsung covers" part of the title of this mix, which I added after the beginning. I think that you (assuming that there is a "you") will think well of your patience, after you hear these instrumental covers of previously vocally-enhanced songs.

"When You Walk In The Room" was a hit for Dusty Springfield, and The Searchers, too. You'd never know there were vocals missing if you heard The Ventures' (Live in Japan '65) version first.

Donovan's "Colours" was a hit in the UK, but I prefer this non-hit instrumental version released by Van Dyke Parks on his Song Cycle LP.

And finally, we have one of the most wonderful pop songs ever invented -- try playing it on the instrument of your choice if you don't believe me -- The Beatles' "Please Please Me", as codified (why re-invent the wheel?) by Link Wray. I mean, honestly... what more could you want?

Lick It Up


Your driver said...

I believe I qualify as "you". The Link Wray is pure genius. It is way too easy to take The Beatles for granted: "Yes, Yes, Very good, The Beatles, but whe was the last time you really listened to The Litter?" "Please Please Me" is such a great song and Link knew what to do with it. It felt like the Ventures were overreaching. Van Dyke Parks seemed to have gotten carried away with himself. All very listenable though.

D. Jon Moutarde said...

"Van Dyke Parks seemed to have gotten carried away with himself."

Heh. A lot of people would say that is the perfect capsule review of his first album. I always liked it for just that quality, though. I was never sure who learned more from their partnership, Parks or Brian Wilson.

Your driver said...

By the way. Are you still alive? I'd just decided I liked what you were doing.

D. Jon Moutarde said...

Yep, still here -- just needed a change. Been working on my photography and cooking. You can see the results at if you care to. One of these days I'll start posting here again.

Your driver said...

I like your photos. I don't do much with my blog, but I need to have it there. I don't have any outlets besides writing and periodically I just have to say something. I suppose I could work harder at writing but that idea has the words "work" and "harder embedded in it.